Distinguished Service Awards
Distinguished Alumni Awards
Jim Rundstrom Distinguished Alumni Service Award
Distinguished Young Alumnus Award
Honorary Degree Recipients
Ron and Carol Cope Cornerstone of Excellence Award
Athletic Hall of Fame
UDTA - University-wide Departmental Teaching Award
OTICA - University-wide Outstanding Teaching & Instructional Creativity Award
ORCA - University-wide Outstanding Research & Creative Activity Award
IDEA - University-wide Innovation, Development, & Engagement Award
Emeriti Faculty
Faculty Senate Distinguished Service Award
Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award
Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Award
Pratt-Heins Awards
UNK Departmental Teaching Award
UNK Outstanding Teaching & Instructional Creativity Award
UNK Innovation, Development, & Engagement Award
State College
Board of Trustees Teaching Excellence Award
Employee Achievement Award
KUDO - Outstanding Employee Award
SAFE - Staff Award for Excellence
Staff Inclusive Excellence Award
Teamwork Excellence Award
Technology Excellence Award