Follow this link for more information about the application process for graduate studies with the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
The University of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance Graduate Committee consists of the following members:
Dr. Anthony Donofrio -- Assistant Professor, Composition and Theory
Dr. Timothy Farrell -- Department Chair, Trumpet and Jazz
Dr. Anne Foradori -- Professor, Voice
Dr. Beth Mattingly -- Assistant Professor, Music Education
Dr. David Nabb -- Professor, Woodwinds
Dr. Brian Alber -- Assistant Professor, Music Education and Teacher Education
Dr. Andrew White -- Professor, Voice
Admission Requirements:
Unconditional Admission to the Master of Arts in Education - Music Education degree program will require the following:
- Fulfillment of the requirements for admission as set forth by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research;
- Completion of graduate application:;
- Completion of the baccalaureate degree with a major in music from a fully accredited institution, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (an official transcript must be sent directly from the undergraduate institution);*
- Students who do not meet minimum music GPA requirements may be admitted Conditionally:
- Students must complete a minimum of 9 graduate credits with a minimum grade of "B" to meet this admission requirement.
- Satisfactory completion of departmental entrance requirements:
- Submit a Philosophy of Teaching (300-500 words. Include your ideas about the teaching and learning process, a description of how you teach, and why you teach in a particular way based on your beliefs, values, and/or objectives as related to music education.)
- Submit a Professional Résumé
- Submit three letters of recommendation from individuals who have knowledge of the applicant's capabilities/professional musical experience
- Students must pass the Graduate Music Entrance Assessment (music history and theory) with a minimum score of 80% or enroll in MUS 402, Music History and Theory Review, and earn a minimum grade of "B"
- The totally on-line Entrance Assessments are to be taken as soon as possible after admittance to the Graduate Music Education Degree Program or no later than the first semester of study.
- The history/theory placement assessment is a prerequisite for enrolling in any of the music history and theory courses and is required to assure optimal success in these courses.
- This is one test in two parts, all taken online at the convenience for the student and for the professors.
- Passing both of these tests at 80% or better will allow the student to take any music history and music theory course. If a student scores below 80% on either of the tests, they may request one (1) retake of the part(s) they scored below 80%. If the student still scores below 80% on their retake, they must take the Music/History theory review course, MUS 402, (the undergraduate level of MUS 802) before enrolling in any graduate Music History and Music Theory course.
- Graduate Diagnostic Exams in Music History and Music Theory are scheduled in consultation between the incoming student and the professor(s) administering the exams (see below). Exams administered during the regular academic year (Fall or Spring semesters) must be scheduled two weeks in advance. Exams administered during the Summer semester will be scheduled during the month of August. In general, Graduate Diagnostic Exams are not scheduled during the months of June and July unless an exception is made by the professor administrating the exam.
- To take the exam, the student needs to contact Dr. David Nabb,, to arrange for the music history exam and Dr. Anthony Donofrio,, to arrange for the music theory exam.
- This requirement is only for Music History and Music Theory. The student may take any of the other music and education courses without the assessment.
- MUS 402 does not count for the degree, but does take care of the prerequisite requirements.
- Another option is to just enroll in MUS 402 without taking the test.