Faculty/Staff Resources

Equitable access to good, accurate advising has been proven to increase student retention and completion. To this end, all academic advisors want to provide accurate and timely information to the students they assist. The Advisor's Handbook is designed to provide information to new advisors and to serve as a resource for more experienced advisors.

We have also created an Advisor Training module in Canvas which contains additional resources related to advising, and prior to being assigned as an academic advisor for students, faculty should contact the Academic Advising and Career Development Office to be added to this organization so they can access these resources. Please call 308-865-8068 or email careerserv@unk.edu.

Advisor Handbook

Faculty are encouraged to submit Academic Alerts when students are experiencing academic difficulty. These students are then notified by email and offered assistance that will help them complete their classes successfully. The student's advisor is notified as well. This process is an effective supplement to faculty members' personal outreach to students, not intended to replace your outreach.

Faculty submit Early Academic Alerts on MyBlue by following these steps (detailed instructions with screen shots)

  • Log-in to MyBlue
  • Select "Tools" in the menu on the left
  • Select "Academic Alert"
  • Select the appropriate course from the Class Selection list
  • Select the student from the dropdown menu
  • Select the appropriate reason from the dropdown menu
  • Before clicking "Complete" check to be sure you have made the correct selections because when you click "Complete" an email will immediately be sent to the student and the student's advisor(s)
    • You will receive a copy of the email that is sent to the student

Academic Advising and Career Development is dedicated to preparing UNK students for life after college and collaborating with faculty and staff plays a vital part in achieving this goal. Please take some time to consider how our services could benefit your students. Thank you for considering our services.

Workshop Topics:

  • Academic Advising and Career Development Resources
  • Major Exploration
  • Job Search Strategies
  • Career Development Timeline, a 4-year Plan for College Students
  • Building a Professional Résumé
  • Professional Interviewing
  • Preparing to Attend a Career Fair (Available for both Education and Regular Fair)
  • 5 minute drop-ins at the beginning or end of class to promote career fairs or other events
  • Able to design other workshops to meet specific needs

*In an effort to provide quality workshops in a timely manner, we prefer to use the following policies.

  • Career related workshops can be requested by students, faculty, and staff by calling 865-8501 or emailing careerserv@unk.edu
  • Workshops generally run between 30 and 60 minutes
  • At least 1 week advance notice of a proposed workshop date will be appreciated
  • We encourage referrals from faculty and staff, however we are not always able to accommodate class assignments that require all students to use a particular service.
  • Requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis

The Career Education Module is designed for faculty to easily incorporate career development topics in to their courses. Faculty can access these materials and incorporate them in to their classes however they'd like. Additional topics may be added to the Career Education Module in the future.



Career Fairs

The staff in AACD are still available for class presentations, however, these modules allow more flexibility for faculty to support their students' professional development anytime, anywhere.