Application Procedure
How to Apply to the IRB
The process for submitting an application to the IRB for review and approval can be accomplished by following these steps:
- Complete the online CITI training
- If your department has a research review committee, submit the required information/form to that committee for review. Incorporate this committee’s suggestions/recommendations for your research plan in your IRB application.
- Determine the potential risks associated with your research. Use the Risk/Benefit Assessment Checklist to help you make this determination.
- Prepare the IRB Application Form providing all the required information based on your assessment of the potential risk to subjects.
- Completed applications can be submitted via email or hard copy (paper based). Hard copies are to be delivered to the IRB office, 1000 Warner hall.
- The IRB will notify you if revisions to the application are required or additional information/documents should be submitted. You should re-submit your application with the required changes and/or additional information.
- The application process is complete when you receive an electronic notification from the IRB indicating approval. A formal letter of notification also will be sent.
- Once you receive notification of IRB approval, you may begin data collection. No research should begin without IRB approval; no contact should be made with the research subjects prior to receiving IRB approval.
- Notify the IRB should an unanticipated problem or injury occurs to a research subject.
- Notify the IRB if you are making changes to your research plan
Peer Review Guidelines
The purpose of peer review of IRB applications is to assist the Board in ensuring that proposed studies meet discipline-specific standards for human-subjects research. The peer reviewer should evaluate the quality of the research design to determine whether or not the benefits of the research outweigh the risks to participants. The peer reviewer also should evaluate whether or not the proposed study conforms to ethical practices in the relevant discipline.
Selection of peer reviewer: Departments where human-subjects research is common are strongly encouraged to designate a committee or faculty member to serve as regular peer reviewer.
Criteria for peer reviewer include:
- Familiarity with the relevant discipline - The peer reviewer should be from the same department as the principal investigator when possible or from a closely-related discipline.
- Experience with research - The peer reviewer should be a full-time faculty member actively involved in research. Additionally, because effective peer review calls for familiarity with the IRB review process and requirements, the peer reviewer should have submitted an IRB application within the previous 3 years or be a current Board member.
- Independence from the proposed study - The peer reviewer may not be affiliated with the research being reviewed.
Note: Proposed studies that qualify for "Exempt" review do not require peer review.