Health, Insurance, & Emergencies

Worrying about health risks, insurance, and emergencies should not become your top priority, however, it is very important to take necessary precautions so can react promptly when confronted with an emergency situation, illness, etc while abroad.

Health Insurance:
The University of Nebraska has negotiated for a comprehensive insurance plan for students studying abroad. The cost is reasonable and all students are required to purchase.  Learn more here.

Consult your Healthcare Provider Early:
Contact your doctor or the UNK Health Center to discuss your travel and schedule a physical well in advance of your departure. See the study abroad office for required medical forms. 

The UNK Health Center also advises students about medical recommendations prior to international travel.

Immunizations, Vaccinations, Shots, and Medicines:
Find out if it is required or recommended to get any immunization, vaccinations, shots, or medicines.

Find out if your prescriptions are acceptable, or if they are considered illegal narcotics in your destination country. Get a letter from your doctor listing your medications as well as an explanation of why you need them.

  • Talk to your doctor and pharmacist prior to traveling to identify how to refill your prescriptions while abroad.
  • It is recommended to always carry instructions for treating any allergies or other unique medical conditions that you might have.
  • Prescription Information for International Travelers

Overall Health:
Here are additional links to help you prepare to stay healthy during your time abroad.

Learn about how to react and prepare for emergency situations.

Know how to contact the U.S. embassy/consulate in your host country. It is suggested that you understand what their role is. You can contact the local embassy in your host country to address questions about health risks and emergency procedures.