Drawing on our expertise and research, our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
It defines the successes of students at UNK, whether in the humanities, sciences, education, or business.
Curriculum at UNK is designed to be student-centered and intellectually challenging, while preparing students through field and internship experiences.
We provide value to Nebraska by preparing students to compete in dynamic professional environments and by promoting academic, social, technological and economic development.
The UNK Sociology Club is a student organization open to both Sociology majors and other majors on the UNK campus. Its purpose is to casually discuss sociology, network with other students and professionals, plan activities, and just have fun.
The Sociology Club often takes fun and educational trips to observe human interactions among different cultures. Examples include field trips to Rosebud Indian Reservation, Thailand, and Hutterite colonies in South Dakota. Closer to home, the Sociology Club may plan field trips to Omaha to observe and interact with various urban subcultures.
Students wanting to make a difference in the community will find the club both rewarding and productive. The club often coordinates community service activities such as Campus Kitchen, a student-powered hunger relief program. Not only do these types activities add experience to a resume, they also build life-changing experiences and help students learn about sociology through real-world experiences.
Find updates on Facebook at UNK Department of Sociology.
Request more information about Sociology Club.