Stellic is UNK’s new online degree management tool. It offers a robust set of features that will help students track their progress and plan their degree program at UNK.
The student profile displays your basic information. This includes degree programs, catalog year, GPA, student tags, and advisors.
More about viewing your profile
The student progress tab shows your degree requirements and how you are progressing towards completion. The student progress tab may also be referred to as the degree audit.
More about viewing your progress
Program requirements are controlled by ‘constraints’ that dictate the parameters that must be met to satisfy each requirement.
More about program requirements
Courses may not count for a variety of reasons. Start by checking the constraint(s), grade requirements, and double-counting rules.
More about courses not counting
The planner allows you to plan what courses you intend to take in future semesters. You can also add activities and extracurriculars to your plan.
Placeholders can be added to a semester in the planner to list a remaining requirement instead of a specific course.
Activities can be added to your planner to reserve time in your schedule for athletics, work, volunteering, extracurricular activities, and more.
Pathways are generic 4-year plans created by the department that list a potential course sequence or pathway for your major. Pathways are only available to students on the 2024-2025 catalog and forward.
Adding or removing programs or adding a concentration provides a detailed look at the classes needed to complete that program as well as how the classes you’ve already taken count towards it.
More about adding or removing programs
More about adding a concentration
You can message your advisor using Stellic.