Outstanding Experience. In-State Price.

The University of Nebraska at Kearney offers a scholarship to all out-of-state undergraduate students so they will pay the in-state tuition rate. With the New Nebraskan Scholarship, non-resident students will receive a discount to save up to $31,680 on tuition over a 4-year period, matching in-state tuition rates.

Non-residents Pay In-state Tuition

With the New Nebraskan Scholarship, non-resident undergraduate students will pay the in-state rate to attend UNK. There is no application for the New Nebraskan Scholarship; you only need to apply to UNK and the scholarship will be added to your financial aid offer. Apply to UNK

2024 Tuition Rate
$223 / credit hour


$264 / credit hour Difference between in-state and non-resident tuition
$7,920 Annually
$31,680 4 - Year Period

Based on 30 credits per year. Savings are approximate when compared to average tuition costs for non-resident students without a scholarship.

Ashton Baxa

“In-state tuition has made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. It costs just as much or less than other institutions back home. This has provided me the chance to experience something outside of Kansas and grow. It has been so easy to transition from Kansas to Kearney. The faculty and staff at UNK makes it FEEL LIKE HOME, and the education quality has been outstanding.”

Ashton Baxa

Business Accounting, Osborne, KS

Frequently Asked Questions