My primary expertise involves the analysis of couple relational and mental health and the use of dyadic data analysis methods. My recent focus has been on couple relationship protective factors that include character strengths and virtues such as humility, and forgiveness.
- 2016 Ph.D., Marriage and Family Therapy, Florida State University
- 2012 M.A., Community Counseling, Gonzaga University
- 2009 B.A., Psychology, Brigham Young University-Idaho
Courses Taught
- Intimate Relationships, Fall, Spring
- Marriage and Family Relationships, Fall
- Family Life Education, Spring
Community Interests and Involvement
- Marital and Family Therapist
Recent Research and Publications
Couple Relational Health
- Rodríguez-González, M., Schweer-Collins, M. L., Bell, C. A., Sandberg, J., & Rodríguez, C. (2019). Family functioning, family structure, and differentiation of self in heterosexual Spanish couples: An actor–partner analysis. Journal of Counseling and Development. 97, 209-219. doi:0.1002/jcad.12251
- Rodríguez-González, M., Martins, M. V., Bell, C. A., Lafontaine, & M-F., & Costa, M. E. (2019). Differentiation of self, psychological distress, and dyadic adjustment: Exploring an integrative model through an Actor-Partner analysis. Contemporary Family Therapy. doi: 10.1007/s10591-019-09493-x
- Bell, C. A., Crabtree, S. A., Hall, E. L., & Sandage, S. J. (2020). Research in counseling and psychotherapy post covid-19. Counseling and Psychotherapy Research. DOI: 10.1002/capr.12334
- Vostanis, P. & Bell, C. A. (2020). Counseling and psychotherapy post COVID-19. Counseling and Psychotherapy Research, 20,3, 389-393. doi:10.1002/capr.12325
Mental Health
- Ruffing, E. G., Bell, C. A., & Sandage, S. J. (2020). PTSD symptoms in religious leaders: Prevalence, stressors, and associations with narcissism. Archive for the Psychology of Religion. Doi:10.1177/0084672420926261
- Jankowski, P. J., Sandage, S. J., Bell, C. A., Davis, D. E., Porter, E., Jessen, M., … Owens, J. (2020). Virtue, flourishing, and positive psychology in psychotherapy: An overview and research prospectus. Psychotherapy. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/pst0000285
- Crabtree, S., Bell, C. A., Sandage, S. J., Devor, N. G., Rupert, D., & Stavros, G. S. (2020). Humility, differentiation of self, and clinical training in spiritual and religious competence. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/19349637.2020.1737627
- Jankowski, P., Sandage, S. J., & Bell, C. A. (2019). Latent trajectories of change for clients at a psychodynamic training clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(7), 1147-1168. doi:10.1002/jclp.22769
- Jankowski, P., Sandage, S. J., & Bell, C. A. (2019). Latent trajectories of change for clients at a psychodynamic training clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(7), 1147-1168. doi:10.1002/jclp.22769
- Paine, D. R., Bell, C. A., Sandage, S. J., Rupert, D., Bronstein, M., O’Rourke, C., & Kehoe, L. (2019). Trainee psychotherapy effectiveness at a psychodynamic training clinic: A practice-based study. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. doi:10.1002/jclp.22769