Nebraska Healthcare Workforce Report

University of Nebraska Medical Center released the 2018 Status of the Healthcare Workforce in the State of Nebraska, a report funded by the Nebraska AHEC Program and produced in collaboration with the College of Public Health and other partners. The report provides a snapshot of the current health workforce in Nebraska that will help measure the progress we've made in the state to address health workforce issues and to help inform efforts to improve access to quality healthcare, particularly in Nebraska's rural and underserved areas.

Quick Facts

  • 13 out of 93 counties in Nebraska do not have any primary care physician
    • 3 out of the 13 are in CN AHEC's region
  • The number of registered nurses increased 61% in 10 years, from 17,335 to 27,922
  • The number of dentists per 100,000 population has decreased slightly from 57.1 to 56.5 over the last 10 years

Report's Recommendations

  1. Existing pipeline programs and educational initiatives that incentivize health professionals to practice in rural communities should be supported & enhanced.
  2. Updated data is needed regularly to help policymakers, pipeline programs and other stakeholders to address healthcare gaps of Nebraska communities.
  3. Subsidize investments in telecommunications and other infrastructure capacity to support telehealth adoption and utilization in rural areas.