Writing tutoring is now available for Spring 2025!
The Writing Center offers free, friendly assistance with all writing projects at any point in the writing process. Writing tutors are available to assist UNK students with writing assignments in any class. Tutors are trained to ensure that students leave each session having learned how to identify and correct their own errors. Tutors will look for global issues like the thesis statement, organization, and argumentation and local issues like grammar and sentence structure. International students are encouraged to use the Writing Center regularly to help them gain confidence in their academic writing.
Writing tutors are available for appointments both in-person and online using Microsoft Teams.
Book an appointment with the Writing Center
If you have questions or need help booking your appointment, please contact the Loper Success Hub by calling 308-865-8728, sending an email to successhub@unk.edu, or stopping by the welcome desk on the second floor of the Calvin T. Ryan Library.
You may submit a paper for a writing tutor to review. A writing tutor will provide comments on your writing and return your paper to you within three to five days (not counting weekends). Tutors do not correct all of the errors in your draft; instead, they will help you learn how to identify and correct errors on your own.