The Executive Committee--composed of the Senate President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer—is responsible for: reviewing all committee reports; planning the agenda for Senate meetings; making recommendations to the Senate; reviewing performance management issues relevant to staff mission, compensation, and evaluation; reviewing nominations for and selecting winners of the Staff Award for Excellence; coordinating advocacy on behalf of all staff; serving in an ad hoc capacity if matters of professional conduct arise—to ascertain facts, interpret standards of professional conduct and to address concerns applicable to staff; manage Dependent Scholarship duties
The Communications Committee coordinates Staff Senate elections as outlined in the Election Procedures section of the Staff Senate Bylaws. Also, this Committee is responsible for maintaining webpages; welcoming new staff to campus; serving as a liaison between all committees and recommending appointment for standing and ad hoc committees.
The Policy Committee meets on an as needed basis, Staff Senate bylaws and the Employee Handbook for Managerial/Professional and Office/Service Staff to recommend revisions as appropriate.
The Professional Development Committee supports participation in education/training opportunities that enhance job performance and wellness. The ASSIST Program is managed by this Committee.
The Employee Recognition Committee promotes programs for rewarding excellence in employee performance and services.