To address business realities, create brand distinction and alignment, and save dollars, the campus communication offices have refreshed the stationery designs across the system, with an intentional shift to highlight each campus icon. The NU stationery has not been touched in over a decade and doesn’t accommodate the University’s business needs—including shared or dual roles across campuses. Potential savings with paper costs and usage have also been identified with better efficiencies between our campus print shops under this project.
New styles of business cards, letterhead and envelopes were introduced March 11, 2019. As you plan to reorder stock or introduce new hires, the new designs will be used beginning immediately. Please use up the stock that you have before ordering the new designs. For letterhead, our print shop also has several months’ inventory of the old design, which will need to be used up before we begin ordering the new.
Your campus print shop in Communications and Marketing is your sole source for university stationery. We work as a system to negotiate the lowest prices for large quantities of paper and offset printing of the brand elements.
None of our other practices on logos or branding have changed.
Stationery that communicates UNK brand and associates your individual and department names with UNK is the best way to present yourself and your department. You might occasionally choose personal notes or stationery, but correspondence and professional sharing should be conveyed on UNK branded materials.
Communications and Marketing is solely authorized to print and order branded materials. This protects our brand and the business model developed for our printing service unit, which negotiates the best rates possible on paper and printing. UNK marks are trademarked and licensed, and cannot be legally shared or used without permission.
The UNK campus icon is preferred over the older “system lockup” which had the University of Nebraska mark with the campus on the lower right. By consistently using the newer UNK mark, we increase our recognition and impact. The “old look” should be phased out as quickly as possible. Don’t destroy paper, which is wasteful, but do not try to reorder or use the old stationery look in digital form. An idea to consider when looking at using up your stock of letterhead is whether these sheets could be used to print drafts, notes or other lesser-important documents or use the back side.
Departments or units’ only approved logo is the lockup (UNK + department). Department lockups are for digital media, brochures and other uses, not for stationery. The only style/design approved for stationery will use the UNK icon – no Loper head, lockup or other logo/icon.
The new materials are comparable with a few slightly more expensive. The new business cards remain the same price as previous. There are two-sided business cards that are blue on the back, and these are more expensive. Letterhead sheets are slightly higher because these were printed on more expensive watermarked paper.
Two-sided cards are more expensive. Think about whether you want to invest in the additional cost – that decision is entirely up to you.
Only if you work in a unit that crosses all campuses (examples: HR, One IT, Facilities). You cannot choose the 4-campus icons unless your unit crosses all four campuses. Some individuals and departments may have and use two campuses (UNMC and UNK), or an institute (RFI and UNK, Buffett Institute and UNK). We will help determine the configuration that works for you.
The UNK icon is the only campus icon allowed on business cards and stationery.
There is an additional design for student use.
We understand that some departments would prefer to print the letterhead in their own printers and forego the cost of higher-cost paper – or printing paper at all. We can set up a Word Doc template as a letterhead for a cost of $35.
Envelopes must be customized to the sender’s address. This helps both the mail room (postage chargeback), U.S. Postal Service and the recipient understand exactly where the mail should be returned.