
The INSpRE Core Vision and Mission Statements, last approved by the Advisory Board, state:

Vision (our future success):

The INSpRE Core will serve the major research instrumentation needs of all UNK faculty, their collaborators, and the community in a self-sustaining financial model based solely on user-fees by acquiring, maintaining, and replacing major scientific equipment required by the faculty to sustain and grow their research endeavors.

Mission (our current goal):

The INSpRE Core seeks to enhance the research instrumentation capability across the UNK campus focusing on member departments’ needs for obtaining, maintaining, and replacing major scientific equipment using user-fees and external funding to enhance the scholarship of member departments’ faculty and students.

To ensure that the Core’s activities maintain alignment with this vision and mission, and the Research Division and University Strategic Plans, the Core operates using a Director & Advisory Board model.

General Organizational Structure

The INSpRE Core reports directly to the Senior Research Officer (SRO).  Core personnel consist of the Director (0.5 FTE) and an office associate (0.5 FTE) who are supported as needed by personnel in the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Development, the Core Advisory Board, and Core Technical Committee.

Core Advisory Board

The Core Advisory Board will work with the Core Director and the SRO to allocate funds for new equipment, anticipate fiscal needs for maintenance of existing infrastructure, and develop outreach plans for core growth. Additionally, the Core Director will maintain detailed fiscal and usage records, maintain an inventory of active core users and their projects, and manage day-to-day operations, reporting to the Core Advisory Board monthly. The Core Advisory Board consists of:

Name, Title Department Role
Scott Darveau, Core Director Chemistry Chair: The Core Director will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Core, the communication of Core functions, and long-term strategic planning.
Annette Moser, Chair and Professor Chemistry CAS and Chemistry Representative, Voting member
Yipeng Sui, Assistant Professor Biological Sciences CAS and Biology Sciences Representative, Voting Member
Kate Heelan, Associate Chair and Professor Kinesiology and Sport Sciences COE and KSS Representative, Voting Member
Angela Hollman, Associate Professor and Director of Honors Cyber Systems CBT and Cyber Systems Representative, Voting Member
Miechelle McKelvey, Professor and Chair Communication Disorders COE and CDIS Representative, Non-voting Member
TBD, SRO, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Research Ex-officio


Core Technical Committee

The Core Director will chair a Core Technical Committee dedicated to the day-to-day operations of the equipment. This committee will advise the Core Director in matters of maintenance, usage, compliance, etc. The current committee consists of:

Name, Title Department Role
Scott Darveau, Core Director Chemistry Chair
Jeramie Ellis Chemistry Instrumentation Technician
Yipeng Sui, Assistant Professor Biological Sciences Biology Representative
Bryce Abbey, Associate Professor Kinesiology and Sport Sciences Radiation Technician
Angela Hollman Cyber Systems Server maintenance manager
Robin Harding Facilities Hazardous Materials manager
TBD, SRO, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Research Ex-officio


The INSpRE core is supported through funding from the Nebraska Research Initiative and from its member departments: Chemistry; Biology; Communication Disorders; Kinesiology and Sports Sciences; and Cyber Systems.