UNK Family Science Graduates are employed in Diverse Settings... An important part of the Family Science curriculum is the Internship experience. Students are required to work under supervision within an agency or program serving children and/or families for 120 hours. Many of these internships become first-time career placements.
Love working with infants and young children..
Family Science graduates look for positions in areas such as Pre-natal, Neo-natal, and infancy educational programs in hospitals and service agencies. Program administration in Headstart, adoption agencies, grant-funded childhood programs, and community settings are possibilities. With additional training and certification, our students find positions in lactation consulting, childbirth support, and child advocacy.
Want to work with school-age children?
Before and after school program administration is a growing need in many communities. YMCA and youth recreation programs provide opportunities to support, coach, and teach young children healthful living skills. Child advocacy and protective services within legal settings require the special training our students receive in child development and family relations.
Intrigued by Adolescents?
Family Science professionals are always welcome in programs focusing on healthful teen living, assisting and mentoring troubled teens, and community youth services. There are also opportunities to work within youth ministry settings.
Enjoy working with Families?
Foster care training and placement. Providing financial and budget skills. Crisis program administration. Intergenerational support programs. Connecting families in need with resources and service agencies. The possibilities are as diverse as you can imagine and as fulfilling as you could hope.
Internship Placements
Certified Family Life Educator works for service organizations, government agencies or private business.
Family Life Education provides the skills and knowledge to enrich individual and family life. It includes knowledge about how families work; the interrelationship of families and society; human growth and development throughout the life span; the physiological and psychological aspects of human sexuality; the impact of money and time management on daily family life; the importance and value of parent education; the effects of policy and legislation on families; ethical considerations in professional conduct; and a solid understanding and knowledge of how to teach and/or develop curriculum for what are often sensitive and personal issues.
Certification recognizes a proven background and understanding in each of ten family life substance areas. While CFLEs may work specifically in one discipline, such as parent education or marriage enrichment, their understanding of the many areas that affect today's families enables them to be more effective in their efforts to educate and work with individuals and families. The Certified Family Life Educator designation recognizes the educational, preventative, and enriching nature of their work.
Information regarding the CFLE obtained from the website for NCFR at www.ncfr.org