Career Center Mission

The College of Business & Technology Career Center provides personal and professional development for CBT students through experiential learning and career planning. Our mission is achieved by providing students opportunities for professional growth through employer networking events, mentoring activities and development of career portfolio materials.  Additionally, we link students to high quality impactful internships and serve as a resource to students in the transition to life after college.

Employer Partners


The Career Center collects a variety of data throughout the year to better understand trends in hiring and employment. Data is collected about full-time employment salary, internship salary, employment/engagement rates, interviews conducted, appointments with Career Coordinators, companies recruiting our students, and much more. 90% of UNK College of Business and Technology students are placed in employment or graduate school after graduation.

Job Placements Relative to Degree Earned

based on 79% response rate of Business and Technology graduates

90% Placed


92% Full-Time


8% Grad School

Grad School

Social Feed and Events

CBT on Facebook

CBT Career Events

19 Sep
Sigma Xi Science Cafe NSU Ponderosa Room | 5:30pm
19 Sep
Roller Skating Night Hyper Gym | 6:00pm
20 Sep
Fall Family Weekend UNK campus, Foster Field, Kearney community
20 Sep
Loper Soccer vs Western Colorado Cope Stadium | 2:00pm
21 Sep
LPAC Family Weekend Trivia Antelope Room Student Union | 1:30pm

Career Center Partners