All course registrations are processed using MyBLUE, the interactive web interface to the Student Information System. All holds must be cleared before any registration activity can occur. Students are reminded to keep all address information up-to-date on MyBLUE. Students are referred to the Academic Calendar for specific early registration and general registration dates.
This registration option is open only to students who are currently enrolled, either on-campus or off campus, at UNK. Students will register according to class standing and NUID number. Class standing is determined by the number of earned/completed credit hours to date. This does not include course credit hours in progress for the current semester. Refer to Appointment Times.
Fall and Spring:
Returning Students: Readmission, non-degree, and continuing students are all eligible to register during General registration. Individuals must be fully admitted to UNK. Returning undergraduate students who have not attended within the last two years must contact the Admissions Office to update their standing. Students may access MyBLUE more than once to complete their registration, drop/add classes, and check their class schedule.
New Students: The earliest registration opportunity for new freshman and transfer students is through New Student Enrollment/Transfer Day. Complete information on this program, including a list of available dates, will be sent to all new students from the Admissions Office. All new students will be blocked from using the registration system until they have attended the scheduled orientation program. Students who are unable or who choose not to attend this program should contact Academic Advising at (308) 865-8501 for assistance. All eligible students may register anytime during the dates and times listed for General registration.
Returning and Continuing Students: Registration is open to anyone who is fully admitted to UNK. Fully admitted students may register for any available class through the first meeting day of the class.
Any person planning to enroll at UNK for the summer may register during the dates and times listed for General Registration. New, former, and current UNK students are all eligible. New UNK students and returning students who have not enrolled at UNK for two years must contact the appropriate admissions office to update their standing:
Once the summer term has begun, students may register for or add any available class through the first meeting date of the class. Students register via MyBLUE. All tuition and related fees should be paid online via MyBLUE or at the Finance Office, Warner Hall, by the end of the first week of class. Registration after the first class day is a late registration and a $15.00 late fee will be assessed. Late Registrations cannot be processed via MyBLUE. Refer to Late Registration Instructions below.
Initial registration, after the first week of the semester (Fall and Spring) or after the first class day (Summer), is considered late and a $15 late registration fee will be charged. In order to process a late registration, students must have permission from the department of each course for which they wish to register. During the 2nd week, department chairs will issue electronic permits and students will register themselves in MyBlue. In the 3rd and 4th weeks, students will use the Schedule Change Form available in MyBlue to adjust their schedule. Tuition and all fees are billed at the time of registration. Failure to pay will result in late charges and prepayment for future terms.
Students cannot register for full semester classes following the fourth week of the term (Fall and Spring) or after the midpoint of the class (Summer).
Students should refer to MyBLUE or the Registration Appointment Times for specific dates and times registration is available.
Fall and Spring Semester:
Undergraduates: 12-18 (minimum of 12 for full-time status). Students with a qualifying GPA may enroll at the following levels:
Requests for exception to this policy must include written approval of the student's advisor and must be submitted to the Registrar for consideration.
Post Graduates & Graduates: 9-12 (minimum of 9 hrs for full-time status). Request for overload must be approved in writing from the Faculty Advisor and the Graduate Dean.
Summer Term:
During the 12-week summer term, students may enroll in:
Approval for credit overloads requires a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA.
A senior student pursuing graduate coursework while completing an undergraduate degree is considered an undergraduate student. A student requiring 15 hours or fewer for bachelor's degree, with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above and with written approval from his/her advisor may be allowed to register for graduate classes pending the approval of the Graduate Dean.
However, the student will not be allowed to register for more than 6 semester hours of graduate courses in any semester, and the maximum load of undergraduate-graduate hours may be no more than 12 hours. Students must also meet all pre-requisites of the graduate course and obtain the permission of the instructor to enroll. Graduate courses taken to complete requirements for the bachelor's degree may not be used subsequently to satisfy requirements for a graduate degree. However, graduate courses not applied on the baccalaureate degree may be applied toward a graduate degree. No more than 9 hours of graduate coursework may be completed prior to the completion of the undergraduate degree.
Questions should be directed to the Registrar's Office, Warner Hall, (308)865-8527