Hui Liew

Associate Professor

Office: COPH 120E   |    Phone: (308) 865-8762   |    Email:

Hui Liew

Education Background

PhD., Mississippi State University (Sociology), 2009
MS, Northwestern University (Predictive Analytics), 2014
BS, Cedar Crest College (Accounting & Finance), Allentown, PA, 1997

Teaching Philosophy

The thing I value most of all in a teacher-student relationship is respect. I believe this is best accomplished by create a positive learning environment and by giving equal attention to all students regardless of their educational backgrounds. I not only encourage their openness to the material I am presenting, but also to inspire them to respect each other and other individuals. When I teach online, I reply to every student at least once in each discussion week.

I try to grade assignments and provide feedback to students before their next assignment is due. Through my feedback, I first acknowledge what they did right and proceed to motivate them to work on areas of weakness. In this way, students will know what is expected of them in their next assignment. Providing timely feedback can help the instructor establish an atmosphere of mutual trust. Once mutual trust is established, it is easier both to give and to accept feedback. Timely feedback can also prevent students from being bogged down pursuing the wrong path as they progress through the semester.

Courses Taught

  • SOC 100, Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 237, Sociological Inquiry
  • SOC 335, Aged in American Society
  • SOC 462, Sociology of Health and Illness