Kaiti George

Lecturer, Registered Dietitian, Loper Athletics Sports Dietitian

Office: CUSH W207   |    Phone: (308) 865-8664   |    Email: georgekd@unk.edu

Kaiti George


Kaiti George, RD, LMNT, has been a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Medical Nutrition Therapist in Kearney since 2003.  

Kaiti's diverse experience includes pediatric and adult weight management, sports nutrition, wellness, heart disease, healthy cooking and food allergies. Kaiti is certified in Childhood Weight Management through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and holds a certification in Functional Gut Health.  

Kaiti is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Nebraska Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She has served in various roles, both elected and appointed, at the state level. In 2008, Kaiti was awarded the “Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year” from the Nebraska Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and in 2013 was awarded the Kearney “Healthy Community Education” Award. 

Along with her teaching position, she also serves as the UNK Athletics Team Sports Dietitian. 



2003 - Post Baccalaureate Medical Nutrition Therapy - University of Nebraska Medical Center 

2002 - BS in Nutritional Science and Dietetics - University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Courses Taught

PE 108: Introduction to Nutrition 

PE 345: Nutrition Through the Lifecycle 

PE 355: Food Prep For Optimal Health 

PE 385: Advanced Nutrition  

REC 305: Practicum in Nutrition 

Community Interests and Involvement

I am integrated into my community, my profession and the University in a variety of different ways. I serve on both elected and appointed position in Kearney, at UNK and at the state level. 

My passions includes being a mom to busy twins, helping with our local family business, teaching group fitness classes and of course cooking and exploring new foods.