Students working in lab

About the Chemistry - Health Science Degree Program

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In the Chemistry Health Science degree program, students are provided with the practical experience and classroom instruction necessary to prepare for higher education as a medical professional. The program is designed for students planning a pharmacy, medical, or dental health career.

The faculty in UNK's Department of Chemistry believe in a hands-on science experience. Chemistry Health Science majors will learn modern laboratory techniques from expert professors, receive detailed training with instruments chemists use every day, and benefit from research opportunities leading to presenting and publishing results.

This major includes all prerequisite courses for most pharmacy, dental, and medical schools, including the University of Nebraska Medical Center.


  • Physician
  • Dentist
  • Pharmacist

Acceptance Rates into Medical School

Over the past 5 years

100% UNK Chemistry

UNK Chemistry

30% National Average

National Average

Emily Baxter

"Through KHOP I received a full tuition scholarship. UNK gave me a WELL-ROUNDED education as well as additional opportunities to create an excellent application for medical school. I am thoroughly prepared for the next step of my education."

Emily Baxter

Chemistry – Health Sciences