Developing Authentic Assessments through Specification Grading

You may have heard of Competency-based assessments which focus on having students demonstrate what they are able to DO as opposed to simply regurgitating what they KNOW. Specification Grading is similar in that the focus is on DEMONSTRATING competency, with the added intention of giving students more choice in the degree of their learning opposed to focusing on achieving grades. A key component of the specification grading model for assessing competency is offering a feedback loop where students can apply instructor feedback to improve their competency.

This is a useful strategy when you are looking to evaluate whether or not a student can competently apply the knowledge from your course or lesson.

Learn more about about our invited expert, Laura Moody

How To

About the Invited Expert

Laura Moody is the Clinic Coordinator in the Communication Disorders department at the University of Nebraska Kearney (UNK).  She has been a Lecturer and Clinical Educator at UNK since 2012.  Her interests are in the area of supervision and training graduate students in speech-language pathology.