CIM is the web-based course and program approval process at UNK. Using CIM, department chairs can create a new class or program, change an existing course or program (title, credit hours, number, grading method, prerequisites, etc.), or discontinue a course or program. The CIM system will automatically route course and program proposals through the approval process, alert individuals to pending requests, and track the progress of courses and programs throughout the process.
Using your UNK username and password will allow you to log into the CIM system.
CIM Courses:
CIM Programs:
The following documents are basic guides to make course and program changes:
CIM Course Change Instructions (.pdf)
CIM Program Change Instructions (.pdf)
For more detailed instructions or one-on-one help, please contact Gabriela Valencia at or 865-8935.
Various help videos and other materials can be found on the CourseLeaf website: Using your UNK username and password will give access to CourseLeaf videos and tutorials.
Please note: CIM replaced the CAP system. CAP is no longer available. CIM also replaced paper forms for program proposals.