Guidelines for Reassigned Time

Revised April 2021

Reassigned time for scholarship is considered through a formal application process. Department chairs and directors are not exempt from the review associated with the application process.


* All full-time tenure track faculty members are eligible to apply for reassigned time.

* Equal consideration will be given to junior and senior faculty.

* Faculty who are teaching overloads, including off-campus classes, are not eligible for reassigned time during the semester in which they teach overloads.

Reassigned Time Policy Statement

1. Faculty are accountable for reassigned time and must report their activities to the department and the college dean. The Dean will provide an annual summary of activities of faculty with reassigned time to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Faculty who do not meet the department and college expectations will not be granted future reassigned time. See expectations below.

2. Dependent on available resources, faculty who receive reassigned time in one semester may be expected to teach a full load in the other semester.

3. Faculty will be granted reassigned time based on the ability to develop a persuasive case that the quality of instruction and the quantity of the department’s offerings will not be negatively impacted by granting the reassigned time.

4. The decision-making process for reassigned time and the process for continuing reassignments will be determined by the College.

Reassigned Time Expectations and Timeline:

Scholarly activity is most easily demonstrated by:

* publishing in reviewed journals in one’s area of professional expertise

* publishing a book in one’s area of professional expertise

* receiving external funding from agencies which demand rigorous review procedures.

* having one’s artistic work in juried shows or museums.

* in general, meeting the expectations for professional development as described in the Faculty Handbook.

Rejected manuscripts and proposals could demonstrate scholarly activity if the external reviews attest that the manuscript is scholarly.

Scholarly activity may also be demonstrated by presentations or display of posters at conferences in the faculty member’s area of professional expertise.

Although attendance at professional meetings suggests interest in scholarly activity, it is not viewed, in itself, as a scholarly activity.

Applicants must present a plan and timeline for dissemination of the results of the work. For example, this should include the expected journal to which the work will be submitted and timeline for submission after the semester in which reassigned time was granted (i.e., 6 months, 1 year, other).

Faculty must complete the application form (see link below) and attach a curriculum vita comprised of their publications/scholarly activity from the past 3 years. The deadline for submission of proposals to the respective Deans is September 15. The Deans will forward recommendations to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on or before October 1.

See the Reassigned Time Application Form (.pdf)

See also: