The O.N.E. Loper program is all about giving you more as a student while taking your classes online. It’s an Online Networking Experience that is academically designed to serve our newest Lopers.
Students who choose to participate in the O.N.E. Loper initiative will be placed in cohort or groups of students. Students will be placed in groups based on the Core Required Course they choose. 3-4 electives will be chosen based on student interest. Elective courses have been chosen to satisfy the new Lopers 1-11 General Studies requirements.
Students who choose O.N.E. Loper will be in cohorts, or groups of students selected based on course schedules. Each cohort will work together through the semester while they complete a set of classes that fulfill UNK’s general studies requirements or common prerequisites. These online courses have been selected and paired with UNK faculty to help support your success. Along with our exceptional online faculty, we’ve identified juniors and seniors who are involved at UNK and excel in every aspect of being a Loper. These students will serve as student mentors. Get to know them, use them as resources, and get ready to join the UNK family.
By participating in O.N.E. Loper, you will become equipped with foundational knowledge to start your major curriculum requirements, while having access to the student services and events you would experience on-campus.
"Online education creates greater flexibility in learning for students. The pace is not controlled by the instructor, so learners can work on an idea until they are comfortable with it.
My approach to online instruction focuses on reading an writing. Students will work over ideas, develop their own views, and put them in front of others. The ongoing feedback helps us see how our ideas play, and it helps refine our thinking."
Dr. Amanda Sladek is an Assistant Professor of English and the English department’s Composition Coordinator. She teaches first-year writing, advanced writing, and graduate courses in language, literacy, and writing instruction. She lives in Kearney with her sister, a teacher at Kearney High School, and her ten-year-old cocker spaniel, Scout (named after the protagonist of To Kill a Mockingbird). In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, watching cooking shows (while eating takeout), and reading online advice columns. Her favorite is Ask a Manager.
"This semester I have the pleasure of teaching HIST 188 –“the History of Warfare,” which is a brief survey of world military history. With the increasing growth, popularity, and at times necessity of online learning in academia, combined with the rapid advances in educational technology, have created an opportunity for faculty to examine the role of multimedia within their courses. In this course we will use a variety of multimedia strategies, such as video lectures, documentaries, and podcasts, that allow a student to remain engaged in academic objectives on a more flexible schedule without diminishing the importance of the content and the integrity of the institution."
"I am a cyber nerd, geek, whatever, at heart, but I also strive for anyone to have a basic understanding of cyber-related issues. As we all head into the future, every career will be touched by cyber and I think basic knowledge for everyone in this area is of utmost importance."
"Online teaching is an exhilarating, dynamic, and collaborative process: an ongoing conversation between all participants. My enthusiasm and active commitment to teaching work in concert to engage, challenge, and inspire growth in all students. Rather than retrofitting a course in response to a specific need, I intentionally craft my courses using the principles of universal design for learning (UDL): (1) engagement, (2) representation, and (3) expression, thus giving students of all abilities an equitable opportunity to succeed."