Maximize EvaluationKIT Response Rates
Posted: February 3, 2020 12:00:00 AM CST
Some administrators worry that online evaluations will generate a lower response rate, eroding the worth of the exercise, and limiting the value these deliver to their institutions.
This white paper proposes some new perspectives on response rates: that online evaluations deliver better quality information and reduce the time to action, and that response rates naturally build over time.
Then it presents nine best practices you can implement at your college or university to help build response rates.
- Communicate the benefits.
- Promise absolute confidentiality.
- Use student portals to encourage, remind, or compel students.
- Provide a small incentive.
- Select a system that’s easy to use.
- Select a system that can scale up for your entire student population.
- Be sensitive to cultural factors.
- If necessary, move online in stages.
- Act quickly to correct issues.
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Related Pages: Course Evaluation & Surveys