Loper Circles: Conversations about Us

March 23, 2023
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Campus Events Diversity and Inclusion Students
NSU Antelope Room

Join UNK Loper Circles to engage in open conversations about us! Learn firsthand about the identities and lived experiences of our community members and converse with them to promote connection and support. The goal of Loper Circles is to foster constructive dialogue that challenge biases, promote equity and inclusion for every member of our campus, and foster a campus environment where all students, faculty, and staff belong and feel at home.

Each of our circles will feature a volunteer speaker who has a unique story and experience to share, and through dialogue they will educate, raise awareness, and challenge stereotypes. The process will last 60 minutes, with 25 minutes for story sharing and 35 minutes for facilitated dialogue. Circle sizes will vary depending on the number of featured volunteers and attendees, with smaller circles as the goal to promote safe sharing. 

We welcome your engagement as a campus member and or as a featured volunteer. Faculty and staff members who are interested in facilitating dialogue within future Loper Circles are encouraged to contact Dr. Maha Younes. 

Rules of Engagement: 

Please remember this is a university-sanctioned event, and all participants are bound to the University Code of Conduct. Violations of the UNK Code of Conduct or the established rules of engagement will be asked to leave the event.
   • Listen respectfully, actively, and without interruption. 
   • Ask questions to learn and understand. 
   • Share information to promote discussion, not to debate or argue. 
   • Provide everyone the opportunity to speak. 
   • Suspend judgment (refrain from making assumptions) and maintain an open mind. 
   • Honor the courage of featured speakers and respect their right to share their own experiences.

Maha Younes